**Privacy Policy and Data Protection**

Welcome to the Privacy Policy and Data Protection of X 37 Grados Norte, Sociedad Limitada (hereinafter referred to as "The Company"). If you are here, it means your data matters to you and you want to know its fate and who collects it. In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU), by accepting this privacy policy, you give your informed, explicit, free, and unequivocal consent for the personal data you provide through the website xyaceitedeoliva.com (hereinafter referred to as "WEBSITE") to be included in a "XXXXXX" file:

Corporate Name: X 37 Grados Norte, S.L.

C.I.F.: B56050453

Registered Office: Calle Obispo Caballero, 10. 14800 Priego de Córdoba, Córdoba.

Email: info@xyaceitedeoliva.com

Business Activity: Information and sale of premium extra virgin olive oil.

All this is duly registered with the Spanish Data Protection Agency and for which The Company guarantees that both organizational and technical security measures required by the GDPR have been applied. This Privacy Policy will only be valid for personal data obtained on the Website, not applicable to information collected by third parties on other websites, even if they are linked by the Website. With this, The Company expresses its commitment to maintaining and guaranteeing secure commercial relationships by protecting personal data and ensuring the privacy of each user of our website.

1. **What are personal data?**

Any information related to a person that you provide when visiting our website, in our case name, email, and phone number. If you contract any service requiring an invoice, we will request your full address, name, surname, and NIF or CIF. Additionally, when you visit our website, certain information is automatically stored for technical reasons such as the IP address assigned by your Internet access provider.

2. **Purpose, Legal Basis, Category of Data Collected, Consent to Processing, and Minors**

2.1 **Purpose**

As outlined in the regulations, the USER is informed that, through contact forms, subscriptions, etc., data is collected or emails sent to our email addresses, which are stored in a file for the purpose of sending electronic communications such as newsletters, new entries (posts), commercial offers, information about free webinars, and other communications that The Company deems interesting for its USERS. Fields marked as mandatory are essential to fulfill the expressed purpose. Additionally, compliance with USER requests can be achieved using the data. In short, the PURPOSE is:

- Providing information and selling premium

extra virgin olive oil online.

- Managing the list of subscribers, registered users, or customers of the website.

- Supplying content on the blog.

Only the website owner will have access to your data and, under no circumstances, will these data be transferred, shared, transferred, or sold to any third party. Acceptance of the privacy policy will be understood as the provision of the USER’s EXPRESS AND UNEQUIVOCAL CONSENT for the processing of personal data as described in this document, including international data transfer solely due to the physical location of the service providers and data processors. The data will not be used for any other purpose than the one for which they were collected, nor will they be transferred to any third party.

2.2 **Minors**

If you are 14 years or older, you can register at https://www.xyaceitedeoliva.com/ without prior consent from your parents or guardians. What happens if you are under 14? In this case, it will be mandatory to obtain the consent of your parents or guardians for us to process your personal data. Warning: If you are under 14 years old and have not obtained consent from your parents, you cannot register on the website, and we will deny your request if we become aware of it.

2.3 **Legitimacy**

With your consent, we can process your data, and it is a mandatory requirement to subscribe to the website. As you know, you can withdraw your consent at any time.

2.4 **Category of Data**

The collected data are not specially protected but are categorized as identifying data.

2.5 **Data Retention Period**

The Company will retain your data for the legally established time or until you request their deletion.

2.6 **Accuracy and Truthfulness of Data**

As a USER, you are solely responsible for the accuracy and truthfulness of the data you send, exempting me from any responsibility in this regard. As a USER, you must guarantee the accuracy and authenticity of the personal data provided and provide complete and correct information in the various data collection forms.

3. **Compliance with Applicable Regulations**

The Company complies with the guidelines of Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13 on the Protection of Personal Data, Royal Decree 1720/2007 of December 21, approving the Regulation implementing said Organic Law, and other current and applicable regulations at all times, ensuring proper use and processing of the user's personal data. From May 2018, we are governed by the Regulation (EU) on General Data Protection (GDPR). Furthermore, The Company complies with Law 34/2002 of July 11 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce and will request the USER’s consent for the processing of their email for commercial purposes at all times. In compliance with the regulations, we inform you that the data provided, as well as those derived from your browsing, may be stored in the files of The Company and processed for the purpose of handling your request and maintaining the relationship established in the forms you sign. Additionally, the USER consents to the processing of their data to inform them, by any means, including email, of products and services of The Company. If you do not authorize the processing of your data for the purposes stated above, the USER may exercise their right to object to the processing of their data under the terms and conditions outlined in the "Exercise of Rights" section below.

4. **

Security Measures**

The Company informs you that it has implemented the necessary technical and organizational security measures to guarantee the security of your personal data and prevent their alteration, loss, unauthorized processing, and/or access, considering the state of technology, the nature of the stored data, and the risks to which they are exposed, whether from human action or the physical or natural environment. All of this is in compliance with the GDPR. Additionally, The Company has established additional measures to strengthen the confidentiality and integrity of the information within its organization, maintaining continuous monitoring, control, and evaluation of processes to ensure respect for data privacy.

5. **Exercise of Rights**

Individuals who have provided their data through https://www.xyaceitedeoliva.com/ can contact the owner to exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation, and opposition to the processing of their data, free of charge. The quickest and easiest way would be to request it via email by writing to info@xyaceitedeoliva.com and indicating "DATA PROTECTION" in the subject line. Any information that we need to store, due to legal or contractual obligations, will be blocked and used only for those purposes instead of being deleted. The interested party may exercise their rights by written communication addressed to The Company with the reference "Data Protection", specifying their data, proving their identity, and the reasons for their request at the following address: X 37 Grados Norte, S.L. – Calle Obispo Caballero 10, 14800 Priego de Córdoba, Córdoba (Spain). Remember that you can also exercise your rights via email at info@xyaceitedeoliva.com.

6. **External Links**

As a service to our visitors, our website may include hyperlinks to other sites that are not operated or controlled by the Website. Therefore, https://www.xyaceitedeoliva.com/ does not guarantee, nor is it responsible for, the legality, reliability, usefulness, accuracy, and timeliness of the content of such websites or their privacy practices. Please be aware that their privacy practices may differ from ours before providing your personal information to these third-party websites. The sole purpose of the links is to provide the User with the possibility of accessing these links and learning about our work, although https://www.xyaceitedeoliva.com/ does not offer or market on its own or through third parties the information, content, and services available on the linked sites, nor does it approve, supervise, or control in any way the contents and services and any material of any nature existing in them. https://www.xyaceitedeoliva.com/ is not responsible in any case for the results that may arise from the User's access to such links.

7. **Modification of the Privacy Policy**

The Company reserves the right to modify its Privacy Policy at its own discretion, motivated by a legislative, jurisprudential, or doctrinal change of the Spanish Data Protection Agency. Any modification to the Privacy Policy will be published at least ten days before its effective application. The use of xyaceitedeoliva.com after such changes implies acceptance of them.

8. **Data Controller and Data Processors**

The data controller is X 37 Grados Norte S.L. The Company has contracted the following service providers for data processing:

- **Hosting**: Raiola Networks S.L., with CIF B-27453489 and registered in the Mercantile Registry of Lugo in Book 0, Volume 460, folio 183, sheet LU-17342. Its registered office is at Avda. de Magoi 66, Semisótano derecha, 27002 Lugo, Spain. More information at https://raiolanetworks.es/aviso-legal/

- **Marketing services**: Carlos Mota Catalá with NIF 47.220.037-W. The registered office is at Calle Buenos Aires 6B, B1 P1 4B, Coslada (MADRID).

- **Email subscription and newsletter services**: TO BE DETERMINED.

9. **Third-Party Services Offered on this Website**

To provide services strictly necessary for its activities, https://dndcoaching.com/ uses the following providers under their respective privacy conditions:

- **Hosting**: Raiola Networks SL

- **Web Platform**: Joomla.Org

- **Web Theme**: The Nation

- **Messaging and newsletter services**: TO BE DETERMINED

- **Payment Platform**: TO BE DETERMINED

- **Payment Methods**: PayPal

- **Webinar Platform**: TO BE DETERMINED

- **Tracking Tools Used on This Site**: Google (Analytics and Tag Manager)

On https://www.xyaceitedeoliva.com/, user preferences, demographic characteristics, traffic patterns, and other aggregated information are also studied to better understand who constitutes our audience and what they need. Tracking our users' preferences also helps us display the most relevant advertising notices.

10. **Plugins Sociales**

On our website, we offer links and services related to different social networks (e.g., Facebook “Like” button). If you are a member of a social network and click on the corresponding link, the social network provider may link your profile data with information about your visit to that website. Therefore, it is advisable to inform yourself about the functions and policies regarding the treatment of personal data of the respective social network, if you access one of our websites with any of your profiles on social networks or share information through them. You can access at any time the privacy policies of the different social networks, as well as configure your profile to ensure your privacy. We encourage users to familiarize themselves with the conditions of use of said social networks before using them:

- **Facebook**: https://www.facebook.com/help/323540651073243/

- **YouTube**: http://www.google.es/intl/es/policies/privacy/

- **Twitter**: https://twitter.com/privacy

- **Instagram**: https://help.instagram.com/196883487377501

- **LinkedIn**: https://www.linkedin.com/help/linkedin/answer/66/managing-your-account-and-privacy-settings-overview?lang=en

11. **Acceptance, Consent, and Revocability**

The User declares to have been informed of the conditions regarding the protection of personal data, accepting and consenting to the processing of the same by The Company in the manner and for the purposes indicated in the legal notice. As you know and have been informed throughout this privacy policy, you can revoke your data at any time, but always without retroactive effect.

12. **Changes to this Privacy Policy**

The Company reserves the right to modify this policy to adapt it to legislative or jurisprudential changes, as well as industry practices. In such cases, the Provider will announce on this page the changes introduced with reasonable anticipation of their implementation.